
Well, hello there. I think it's about time we met. I'm Jessica, and here's what you'll find on Hey There, Friday:

Shopping My Closet Series: I see it, I want it, I buy it, I wear it and then what? The item du jour is shoved into a closet cranny, never to be heard from again, only to be replaced by another fleeting must-have? Spawned out of a conversation with a friend about how to cut back on a serious shopping habit, Shopping My Closet was an idea I had to turn my tiny walk-in closet into a cost-free shopping experience. How could I come up with new, innovative looks without spending my entire paycheck at Zara? By shopping items I already owned, getting rid of the stuff I will never wear again, using and re-using items I love to live in, I could have endless outfit options. Those are chronicled here, hopefully to inspire you to shop your own closet, saving money for stuff you really want, like lace-up heels, some Nike sneakers or a brand-new leather jacket.

Friday Favorites Series: Just a few of my favorite things, posted on Fridays so you can have some retail, music or visual therapy going into your weekend.

Recipes: To quote my ever-accurate husband, my favorite foods are "carbohydrates dipped in things." I have an unnatural obsession with goat cheese, alter my recipes by the way ingredients smell, and throw together meals that make my heart, home, family and friends happy. Interested in what I've cooked up so far? Start at my Been There, Cooked That Pinterest board. 

Beauty: I might also be a bit of a product junkie. Hair, makeup, beauty tips? I've got what's worked for this unruly head of hair and sensitive skin. Check out what inspires me here.

That's mostly all, but probably not everything. I'm an eclectic soul, and we're just getting started.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there! Thanks for showcasing my Sriracha Sea Salt in your blog!
