Monday, August 12, 2013

A Month of CrossFit: Day 11


Sometimes when you're trying to work out, get fit, lose weight, etc., it's easy to fall into the trap of, "I'm not seeing any results so it must not be doing any good. Maybe I'll just quit." I've been there, done that. I've started, quit, started something else, quit again. I've crash-dieted; I've struggled with disordered eating. I've tried running, videos, workout classes with friends... you name it, I've probably done it and made a snarky response about it.

When I started CrossFit (yes, I know it's only been 11 workouts/11 days of being at the gym, but thou shalt not judge until thou hast also push-pressed thy way through a Monday morning), I left every single class feeling like I was going to absolutely die. And this morning, I left feeling... energized. 

First time for everything, folks.

Warm Up:
15 PVC pass-throughs
15 PVC OH squats
15 sit-ups
15 Supermans
15 push-ups
Hip-Floor stretches
15 ring rows

10 minutes of practicing handstands and walking handstands


8-Minute AMRAP:
400 m row
40 squats
30 sit-ups
20 push-ups
10 pull-ups
Max burpees

Total: 103

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