Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Shopping My Closet: Getting Graphic

Graphic Ts are Everywhere

Once upon a time, I worked at Express. I took a part-time job there in college, right when the heyday of graphic tees started taking over high school & collegiate campuses. These sophomoric cap-sleeved, form-squeezing bursts of nonsense had unintelligible script super imposed above lions (men) and flowers (women) with sparkles, patterns and more colors than a kindergarten classroom. These gave way (or were they already third in line of a royal knock-off genealogy?) to a culture-wide acceptance of Affliction shirts, lettering spattered on men's button-downs, Old English typography bastardized into mainstream mumbo-jumbo. It was depressing. 

I won't say that a new job path was sought out solely because of graphic tees, but you only need to board-fold a couple hundred or so before you realize that you'll either find a new life's meaning in their nonsensical lyrics, or you'll pluck your own eyes out.

So when graphic tees began their resurgence, I was skeptical. After years of wearing logo-less American Apparel finds from the men's section, the thought of putting on that Nike shirt outside the gym ("vintage" by way of my childhood or not) seemed taboo. But as this trend gained momentum, I bandwagoned like a fashionista chugging kale juice in wedge sneakers at NYFW. I rock the vintage Rolling Stones shirt, the classic Nike logo, the Adidas insignia, my D.A.R.E. shirt from high school, whatever I have/whatever I can steal from my perma-roomie.

Above (obviously) and below (also obviously), feature some inspiring looks for recreating the style. Ankle boots, sneakers, what have you... literally. Whatever you have, use. Because this whole budget-friendly Shopping My Closet Series wouldn't make sense if you had to go buy a whole new wardrobe.

So, go get your graphic tee on. Put 'em with printed pants, jeans, skirts, pleated green shorts, blazers... the list goes on. How does that saying go? You're only limited by your imagination. And, of course, if your male counterpart is wearing the shirt you were intent on borrowing. In which case you'll have to fight him for it.

And now for a few outfit compilations, courtesy of Polyvore:
Graphic T Inspiration
Graphic T Inspiration by jlrey featuring denim skinny jeans

Graphic T Inspiration - Part 2

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