Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Whole30 - Day 23

Bulletproof Coffee: I tried it.
If we're not on the same page of what Bulletproof Coffee is, then I'm going to direct you here, so you can get up to speed. This is where Bulletproof originated, and this site should answer all of your questions, because I'm certainly not an expert.

All around the healthy blogosphere, Bulletproof Coffee is the "it" drink of the moment, especially among the paleo/Cross-fit set (although not the purists, because technically coffee/caffeine isn't paleo). More info on that? Go here.

People are raving about it. It's supposed to be "better than a latte," giving you the energy of Zeus and a can-do attitude to boot.

I used an Ethiopian organic, fair-trade blend from Trader Joe's, freshly ground yesterday afternoon. I made my coffee in a French press, and blended it with grass-fed ghee and coconut oil.

Taste-wise, the flavor was pretty similar to the coconut milk latte I had on Sunday. I added a dash of cinnamon, but for me, what this combination is really lacking is something sweet to pull the whole concoction together. And that is definitely not Whole30 compliant, so sweetening the brew just ain't gonna happen. 

Bottom line? I think the effects of Bulletproof Coffee will depend on what your standard caffeine intake already is. Mine is, admittedly, pretty hefty, so I think that's why I haven't felt the jolt of unstoppable energy that others rave about.

Looking for a different way to do coffee? Give it a shot and tell me what you think.

Day 23 Recap:

Breakfast: scrambled eggs with TJ's Salsa Verde
Lunch: plantain "chips" with fruit & nut spread
Dinner: sweet potato with pork carnitas & poached egg

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